
Manufacturing insights into laparoscopy, from customer and product requirements to processes, materials, and the latest trends in this field.

Laparoscopy Business

The increasing development and integration of minimally invasive surgical techniques have triggered a revolution in medical practice. In this context, laparoscopy plays a crucial role as a pioneering technology that has transformed and improved traditional surgical procedures. The introduction of minimally invasive procedures has led to significant advances in patient recovery, reduced post-operative complications and improved outcomes.

Customer Requirements

Our customers prioritize specific requirements:

  • Automated Processes: The use of machine intelligence and robotics can fully automate production processes, which leads to a significant increase in efficiency and productivity, as well as reduced costs.
  • Local For Local: Strengthening the community by focusing on regional production and distribution to support local economic structures.
  • Sustainability: Promoting environmentally friendly practices to conserve natural resources for the long-term benefit of the environment.


Ergonomic medical tools enhance accuracy, efficiency, and comfort for healthcare professionals while decreasing the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and repetitive stress injuries.


Medical tools require materials that meet medical standards, such as biocompatibility, sterilizability, and durability, to comply with clinical environment guidelines.

Labeling and Identification

Tools often need to be clearly marked and identifiable to facilitate their use. This can be done using markings, serial numbers, or specific color coding.

Safety Features

Many medical devices and tools contain specific safety features designed to protect users from injury. These include, for example, protective devices to prevent accidental cuts or injuries.

Standards and Certifications

Medical equipment needs to meet regulatory standards and certifications from institutions such as ISO or FDA to ensure compliance.

Instructions for Use and Training Materials

The products are often supplied with detailed instructions for use and training materials to provide healthcare professionals with appropriate training and guidance on correct use.

Manufacturing Process

Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that involves the use of small incisions and specialized instruments. Technologies such as Polymer Injection Molding are utilized to produce complex geometries and shapes that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing methods.

Polymer Injection Molding

Advanced manufacturing techniques have transformed the practice of laparoscopic surgery, contributing to safer, more efficient procedures and faster recovery times for patients. Polymer Injection molding, in particular, affords companies the ability to design and engineer high-precision products customized for the laparoscopic industry.

Metal Injection Molding

Metal Injection Molding is perfect for producing small, complex parts in large quantities, with design flexibility, production capabilities, and surface finishing options. It is an ideal choice for the healthcare industry that requires high-performance components.

Ceramic Injection Molding

Ceramic injection molding offers a perfect blend of design flexibility and process-related benefits, along with impressive material properties such as excellent haptics, mechanical and chemical resistance, and non-conductivity.

Material Selection

  • 316L is most commonly used, it is characterized by its high chemical resistance and biocompatibility and is relatively ductile.
  • 17-4PH has less chemical resistance compared to 316L, but significantly higher strength.
  • 420W has a significantly higher hardness and is therefore more wear-resistant.
  • 440C is used in surgical instruments due to its hardness and cutting properties.
  • Titanium is highly resistant to both corrosion and oxidation, making it impervious to rust or deterioration, even in prolonged contact with bodily fluids or tissue. Additionally, it exhibits exceptional biocompatibility in medical settings.

In recent years, laparoscopy has experienced significant advancements and continues to play a crucial role in minimally invasive surgery. At OECHSLERhealth, we prioritize staying up to date with the latest trends in this field.

Eva Orthofer
Manager Sales Healthcare

Growth & Trends

The field of laparoscopy has undergone considerable development in recent years and remains an important part of minimally invasive surgery. With continued advancements in technology, it is likely to become an even more precise and effective option for surgical procedures in the years to come.

  • Robotics in Laparoscopy: The incorporation of robotics in laparoscopic procedures has significantly enhanced precision and control, ultimately resulting in improved patient outcomes. The da Vinci Surgical System and DEXTER are two examples of robot-assisted systems that are increasingly being utilized in such surgeries.
  • Improved Imaging: The evolution of imaging technology has facilitated the acquisition of more comprehensive and accurate images during surgical procedures. This includes the incorporation of high-resolution cameras and advanced imaging techniques like fluorescence imaging, providing surgeons with improved visualization capabilities.
  • Miniaturization of Instruments: The creation of smaller and more precise instruments empowers surgeons to execute intricate procedures with minimal trauma to the patient.
  • 3D Technology: The introduction of 3D technology in laparoscopic surgery offers surgeons improved spatial perception and can improve the precision of complex procedures.
  • Telemedicine: Advances in telemedicine make it possible for experts to advise on complex operations remotely. This improves access to specialized experts and can improve the quality of treatment.

Build on Trust

OECHSLERhealth: Your turnkey partner from idea to global series production

  • 30 years of Healthcare experience
  • Clean Room ISO Class 7 & 8
  • Global production network in Europe, North America & China
  • 400 Injection Molding Machines and Inhouse Tool Shop

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